Bryan Adams, love his unplugged versions
Miss Carrie, i'm pretty obsessed with her {not in a crazy way though ha}
The King, i mean he's the King :)
Robbiiiiiiie, Mr. Robbie Williams that is, THE best that is :)
1. have you ever gone to see a movie by yourself?
Nope I havn't.
2. would you rather go through a tornado or a hurricane?
I guess 'none' is not the answer you want to hear- so I go with tornado (actually i once was in a small one)
3. have you made summer vacation plans?
No, unfortuantely not. And as long as i stay unemployed i won't :(
4. what's your favorite accessory?
Small pearl earrings.
5. have you ever been thrown a surprise party?
YES! And it was so great and i really didn't see it coming! I think it was either for my 21 or 22 b-day.
6. are you friends with your neighbors?
No, not really.
7. what's the last movie you saw in the theater?
I don't even remember that one! Maybe Ice Age 3?!
8 what's your favorite food network show?
I don't really watch any of the shows, but i think i would have liked Julia Childs if that counts :)
Have a great Sunday Ladies