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Saying i am stressed out would be a minor understatement at the moment. 
After finally finishing college and starting my job full time by the end of January and finally after years and years of sacrifice kinda seeing the light at the end of all those dark years... i got fired two weeks ago. bummer. I didn't see that one coming. Even though i think i really should have/ could have; there were enough signs. My boss and i actually agreed that i would leave my job by the end of August. That would give me more than enough time to find a new job and him enough time to find somebody new. Well all of the sudden he found a new trainee by mid-Febuary {Trainee= a lot cheaper} {And also: BIG sign there was something not going the way it should have..} A month later he informed that i was not needed anymore, there really was not enough work for all of us and besides that he could not afford the 3 of us {umm, 'scuse aren't you a Dr? i always thought Dr.'s were capable of some basic math at least?...nevermind my mistake...obviously
So April 30th will be my last day. Giving me 4 more weeks to find something new. Otherwise I'll be unemployed for the first time ever. I've worked non-stop since i was 15! I never was one of those lazy people getting everything from mommy and daddy or aids from the government or whatever, i always worked hard for my college, food and fun. And now this just dosn't seem fair!

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."Phillipians 4:8