With President Obama's speech, echoes of the FDR era rang through and through. High end luxuries are no longer realistic, especially when the families who have never had to budget, have to budget now. But the 1930's although were tough, taught us to be thrifty and create a New Deal and let's not forget how the fashion industry flourished afterwards. That was the decade of Dior's "New Look". In 2009, the Fashionista must become the Recessionista.
Most men and women are bored with their current wardrobe and do not have the budget to hire a personal stylist or can't afford the threads that Kate, Brad, Jen, and George can. So, how do you re-create new style from your old comfy favorites? Just take a step back and we'll have you cleaning your closet and re-vamping that little black dress, a basic blazer, a traditional suit, vest, and we are not leaving the little ones out of this fashion equation. The whole family needs to remain on budget and still be trendsetters.
Every week I will post 5 Solutions to a typical piece that most of us have in our closet already, but maybe we didn't look at it in a new way. Clothes become boring because we have a method to our madness and only wear it with a certain belt, certain shoe, etc. This will go outside of just the women. I will also show the fellas how to incorporate new ideas that will take you from the office to guy's night out! And even though I am not a mommy, myself, little ones are affected by the economy too! I have enough younger nieces & nephews and friend's with children to get my expertise right on target. For the little ones who grow so fast, I will show you how to mix and match pieces to maintain longevity without ever wearing the same piece the same way ever again!
Spruce up your Spring Wardrobe no matter what city you live in. Learn to love FASHION when your pocketbook doesn't!